"Left Hand Free" Hannah Gill
audio/video kat ourlian
"Take Me to Church" Hannah Gill Band
audio/video kat ourlian

Hannah Gill EP

"I Feel Awake" EP

David Shenton (piano)

StarQuest International Performing Arts Competition
craig robinson
christopher titus
hannah gill
henry hey
anthony khan 'twilite tone'
brad hammonds
mister chase
zak smith band
elisabeth Lohninger, walter fischfacher
jason dimatteo
matt jodrell
Zack Brock
lawrence qualls
michael cooper
anton dudley
daddyhunt app
crucial music publishing
stephen agyei
brent gill
mia deprince
patrice kaluza
"Son of a Bitch" Hannah Gill Band
kathryn ourlian-audio/video; reed taylor-audio/video; jeffery moore-video editing; hannah gill-vocals; mathia kunzli-perc; brad hammonds-guitar
DaddyHunt App
production /Musiic: kat ourlian